Insurance News: Workforce wellness and inclusion

  • Bagikan


I am delighted that my colleague Tony Steadman has joined me to discuss the latest industry news in this month’s Insurance News Analysis. Tony himself makes the news as one of the founders of the newly launched Black Insurance Industry Collective (BIIC).

In this issue, Tony, Abby Compton and I talk about the goals and objectives of BIIC. The need to address specific barriers faced by demographic segments traditionally underrepresented in the insurance industry is acute. I am proud to have Accenture as part of this initiative and I am grateful to Tony for representing us.

We also discuss the Hartford Labor Force Survey. Their research shows a direct link between employee mental health, mental health support and impact on company profits. As Tony and I discuss, there are lessons and implications for insurers offering group and voluntary benefits, and for all insurers considering workforce transformation programs.

We’re also talking about another challenge facing insurers around the world: the transformation of the cloud. The need for acceleration in the cloud is universal. Tony and I talk about what we see and hear when insurers solve a problem. migrating core insurance applications to the cloud.

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  • Bagikan