Russell Brand walked away from stardom and canceled cancel culture – English

  • Bagikan


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So. So. Here we are, look at this. Look at it. Someone had to tell me about my collar. I’m firing someone. I don’t know who it is. Good Thursday everyone. I am so excited.

I welcome Russell Brand to the show. Yes! I’ve been a Brand fan for decades, starting with his talk show Big Brothers Big Mouth. This show was so outrageous that the law wouldn’t even let us show it, which sucks. But even at the beginning of his career, he was a brilliant mind in search of food at a time when the stalls were empty. But now Brand has made the most dramatic change in his career since O.J. Simpson. Brand was a great comedian, a successful actor, bigger than most rock stars. It helped that he looked like Rasputin had sex with Janis Joplin. He was even forced to play rock stars in movies because he was better at it than they were. And before he sobered up, he proved that no amount of drugs could break him. So he’s a comedian, TV star, movie star, married to a hyper-articulated pop star, dresses like a sleazy hypnotist, tall and handsome, the trendiest guy in Shangri-La. I mean, he inspired me to make hair clips.


And what does he do? He leaves him. He dumps him like Hunter Biden dumps a stripper’s baby. Literally lets go, but for what? Do a podcast because, you know, we don’t have enough of them. But he was not pushed. He was not a victim of cancellation culture. No, it’s the other way around. They didn’t cancel it. He canceled them, and no one does. He gave up fame. So who was on the side he couldn’t resist? Something called truth. Here is the taste.

RUSSELL BRAND MARCH 3, 2023: I was on that MSNBC aide. It was propaganda. It’s a cracker with nuts.

HOST MARCH 3, 2023: Just give me, give me a specific example.

RUSSELL BRAND MARCH 3, 2023: Here are examples: ridiculous, outrageous criticism Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately called medicine for horses, although they knew that here it is an effective medicine. And what about Rachel Maddow turning on the TV and saying, “If you take this vaccine, you won’t get it,” even though it hasn’t been clinically tested yet… You’re in the same game.

Actor and comedian Russell Brand sits down to talk with Tucker Carlson about his struggle with addiction and attacks from the culture cancellation mafia.

Actor and comedian Russell Brand sits down to talk with Tucker Carlson about his struggle with addiction and attacks from the culture cancellation mafia. (Fox Nation/Tucker Carlson Today/Screengrab)

I feel so bad for him. Like he was wearing that Joy Division shirt for nothing. But it’s not that Brand only rapped on MSNBC. He hit us too, but I can deal with it, I’m a big boy, although I buy shoes at Baby Gap because I know I’m biased. Just like I know I’m short or strikingly handsome. This is the difference. I do not pretend that you will mistake me for Edward R. Murrow, mainly because he is dead and still gets higher ratings than Don Lemon.


So what could have caused the movie star to drop it all and join an uncertain future that might actually offer a way out? So what we’re seeing today is a narrative pumped up by algorithms and media corporations that fuel conflict because they make money and keep the power of such algorithms and corporate bosses. He directs our conduct, fueling anger with every headline and missing fact, and as long as we fight among ourselves as a nation, we cannot fight them. It’s brilliant, really. If someone had said this three years ago.

GREG GUTFELD, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020: We see a narrative pumped up by algorithms and media corporations fueling conflict because they make money and keep such algorithms and corporate bosses in power. He directs our conduct, fueling anger with every headline and missing fact, and as long as we fight among ourselves as a nation, we cannot fight them. It’s brilliant, really.

Wow. It’s almost like a century ago. In five years, I’ll be doing this show in a diaper. That’s how I feel about Russell. How he treats me? I bet Greg Gutfeld vibrates like a man in hate.

RUSSELL BRAND, August 27, 2014: Greg Gutfeld vibrates like a man in hate… Greg is a bit of a pig and a bit of a snipe… You stupid sausage. You steal oxygen and waste time… Your name, your strange hole in your face looks like a gap in the anus and most importantly your appearance, your hatred, your emptiness, you, the echoing bath of your mind.

Joe Rogan accused CNN of

Joe Rogan accused CNN of “lying” for calling his COVID treatment a “horse dewormer”. (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Very good. For your information, after describing my face as an anus, he received thousands of letters complaining, but from the anus. By the way, I take it as a compliment. The anus is very important. I can break a celery shoot in half. So I burned all my posters of him at the stake? No, because I remember that I should have.


GREG GUTFELD, August 26, 2014: You know, it’s bad when a leftist communist bastard named Russell Brand actually weighs… While Russell Brand is lecturing the US on fanaticism, radical Islam is spewing the deadliest form of fanaticism from his homeland, but he’s too cowardly to focus on it… He’s talking about what is happening in his house, not in ours.

So. I’m bad, if not worse, so I’m grateful to Brand for coming here because he didn’t have to. He doesn’t need me, that’s for sure. Meanwhile, when Brand visits us, Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, and Tucker, we see the corporate media and the government they protect go after all four. We know how CNN accused Rogan of promoting horse pills. It was such a blatant lie that even the horses said no. But this was a direct attack on someone who threatened their power. And now the headline from The New Statesman about Russell Brand: We’ve lost Russell Brand. And why?

You know, I didn’t read the article because it was behind a paywall, and if I want to give money to progressives, I’ll tip the barista. But the reason? He no longer says what they want him to say, it’s just that the use of the word “lost” implies that they originally owned it. But now he’s what Elizabeth Warren would call off the reservation. And of course, there’s Tucker, who adds more and nothing less to a story that the media claims is bigger than 9/11, and yet when they get all this new stuff, they take it instead. And why? Because he undermined their corrupt history. Here’s a real senator.

SEnate MAJORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER: Last night, millions of Americans watched one of the most embarrassing hours we’ve ever seen on cable TV… And tonight we’re back to a different story. Fox News should tell him not to. I call on Fox News to order Carlson to stop spreading big lies on his network and tell his viewers the truth.


This is one of our oldest senators, you can smell him before he enters the room. It is a combination of Benguei and —. He calls a private company to censor an employee. I think it’s good to hear it openly, because, you know, they always say that the First Amendment only applies to the public realm. But when the government gives the go-ahead to a private company, that is also censorship. And now the FTC is asking Elon Musk to identify all journalists who had access to Twitter files. Any news from journalists? Nope. I haven’t seen such a silent media since The View found an old donut in Joy Behar’s armpit. And today, this is from today, look at how these Democrats feel about Matt Taibbi.

REP. SILVIA GARCIA: When did Mr. Musk first approach you about writing files for Twitter?

Matt Taibbi: Are you asking a journalist to reveal his source?

REP. SILVIA GARCIA: So you think Mr. Musk is the direct source of all this?

Matt Taibbi: No. Now you, you are trying to get me to say that he is the source.

REP. SILVIA GARCIA: If you are telling me that you cannot answer because he is your source, then the only logical conclusion is that he is your source.

Matt Taibbi: Well, we can draw such a conclusion.

REP. SILVIA GARCIA: Well, sir, I just don’t understand. You cannot have both.

REP. JIM JORDAN: No, he can. He is a journalist.

REP. SILVIA GARCIA: No he can not.

Democratic Congressmen Stacey Plaskett and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz questioned journalist Matt Taibbi during a House hearing on March 9, 2023.

Democratic Congressmen Stacey Plaskett and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz questioned journalist Matt Taibbi during a House hearing on March 9, 2023. (Trial Chamber)


I think if democracy dies in the dark, they turn off the lights. So this is an explosion of the two-party system, but not in the government, but in the media. We’ve been stuck in the prison of two ideas for so long. You have two options, left or right, but now it’s falling apart.


People like Brand, Tucker, Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi are voices that don’t identify with anyone, but millions of people identify with them. If this is what the future looks like, we should all be happy. And not least thanks to Mr. Russell Brand’s epic journey that can be continued, says this ass-clapping.


  • Bagikan