The Tech Worker With a 4-Hour Commute From the West Bank to Tel Aviv – English

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Experts believe there are only a few dozen Palestinians among the 360,000 workers in the Israeli tech sector, in addition to a few hundred working remotely from the West Bank.

Then, in 2018, a breakthrough came when Mr. Alshavamreh won a three-month internship at an Israeli company developing cancer screening technology, and with it a work permit.

Full employment was not possible. Thus, since his permit was still in effect, he instead became a rare Palestinian student at Tel Aviv University. He completed his third degree, an MBA, half of which was funded by the college, and lived in Tel Aviv.

But without a job, Mr. Alshavamreh struggled to pay his share of the fee and was suspended halfway through. He sent out emails to dozens of prominent Israelis and Palestinians asking for help.

One of the most famous Israeli pop stars, David Broza, reacted unexpectedly. Moved by Mr. Alshavamreh’s plight, Mr. Broza allowed him to stay at his home and helped raise college fees.

“I have no idea what took over,” Mr. Broza recently recalled. “But the next thing I know is that I give him the key to my house.”


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