Wyoming Becomes First State to Outlaw Abortion Pills – English SiapTV.com

  • Bagikan


In 2023, at least three more bills were introduced to ban medical abortion. In Iowa, the bill was not put to a vote before the end of the legislative session, and in Hawaii, a Democratic state, the bill is unlikely to pass.

The bill, introduced in Texas, a state that already bans abortion, includes many provisions to end all access to the pill, including making it harder for Texas patients to get information about abortion services or their use for outside of the state. The bill would make it illegal to manufacture, distribute, or “provide an abortion drug by any means to any person or place in this state.”

It would also make it illegal “to create, edit, upload, publish, host, maintain, or register a domain name for an Internet site, platform, or other interactive computer service that assists or facilitates a person’s efforts to obtain an abortion.” medicine.”

Many patients learn about abortion options on websites such as Plan C, a clearinghouse for information about medical abortion. And a growing number of patients in states where abortion is illegal are arranging to get pills through telemedicine websites like Aid Access, a European service that delivers pills to any state from India, and Hey Jane, one of several US services that tablets will be provided. patients who travel to a state where abortion is legal and where they can get medicines by mail in those states.

In addition to Wyoming and outright prohibition states, 15 states have introduced restrictions on access to medical abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports the right to abortion. These restrictions range from requiring the medication to be provided by a doctor to requiring the patient to visit the doctor in person. Several states, including Texas and Arizona, are banning mail-order abortion pills, and this year at least three other states introduced mail-in billing for pills.


  • Bagikan