February/March 2023 – English SiapTV.com

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Selected Partner Scholarships: February/March 2023

Matt Conrad

Some of our most famous and most expensive partner scholarships are already open – don’t miss out! The CME Group Foundation provides up to $60,000 over three years to students studying the world of finance; The United Health Foundation is helping nearly 500 health workers improve their skills and qualifications; and the Voyager Scholarship, established by President and Mrs. Obama and Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, offers unique scholarship and mentorship opportunities for rising young people interested in a career in public service.

Find out more about these incredible opportunities below and visit our scholarship overview page to see a list of everything you can apply for right now!

CME Group Foundation Scholarship Program

The CME Group Foundation is committed to empowering future generations through education, preparing today’s students for the challenges of tomorrow. Their focus is on preparing students from underserved and historically underserved communities for careers in the financial services industry, and they work with a prestigious group of partner schools that provide evidence-based support programs for this group of financial services students. fields. services and technology industries.

Currently, 35 CME Group Foundation Fellows are pursuing their dream of attending college with the support of this program. Among them is Emmanuella Nwokenkwo, a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who says, “What excites me most about my major is how dynamic finance is. I can study financial markets, risk management, portfolio management and entrepreneurial finance. It helps me develop a solid fundamental understanding of the world of finance.”

Eligible students can now apply for a Revolving Scholarship of up to $20,000 for a degree in Finance, Computer Science, Mathematics, Cyber ​​Security, Data Science, Financial Engineering, Accounting, Information Technology, or Statistics from one of eleven schools- CME Group partners. Foundation (located in Illinois and New Jersey).

CME Group Foundation Scholars must self-identify as Black and/or Hispanic and must be current or sophomore, junior or senior students who plan to enroll full-time at one of the designated partner schools for the entire upcoming academic year. Students enrolled in the MS 4+1 program are eligible. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).

In addition to receiving the scholarship, CME Group Foundation Fellows will receive a paid trip to participate in a one-day market education program at the CME Group in Chicago in August 2023.

Applications are accepted until April 4th. Apply >

United Health Foundation Diversity Scholarship in Health

The Diversity in Healthcare Scholarship helps under-represented healthcare professionals earn additional certifications or degrees for clinical careers in medicine, nursing, obstetrics, mental health, and other specialties.

This program is open to current or former healthcare professionals and will provide 475 awards of up to $3,200 to students from historically underrepresented populations who seek to improve their clinical skills.

We invite applications from clinical specialists, including, for example:

  • Nurse Practitioner Desiring Certification as a Psychiatric Psychiatrist
  • Doula Seeking Nursing Diploma or Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Social worker looking for Master of Social Work
  • CNA to LPN
  • Assistant dental hygienist
  • Other Ways to Improve Skills

(Note: Physicians seeking additional certifications or degrees are not eligible.)

You must currently be in possession of a valid license/certification to practice in clinical health and are planning to enroll in a full-time or part-time study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, vocational school, or graduate school. from autumn 2023

The United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship is open specifically to students from historically underrepresented communities, including those who self-identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

“I want to help people who feel they are not represented in the field of medicine,” said 2022 Fellow Tuyet Nhu Truong, BSN, RN, who is currently working on her PhD in Nursing as a Certified Nurse Midwife. . “I am happy to be a lawyer. This has always been my initial and final goal. I can’t wait to sit with patients and help them advocate for their interests to get the treatment they want.”

Applications are accepted until March 24th. Apply >

Travel Scholarship

Obama-Chesky Public Service Scholarship

In an increasingly globalized world, networking is more important than ever. The President and Ms. Obama and Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, continue to communicate. Voyager for public service. . The first group of 100 Voyagers was selected in 2022, and the application for 2023 is open until March 22.

The Voyager Scholarship will help reduce the college’s debt burden so students can afford to start careers in the public service by providing up to $25,000 a year in “last dollar” financial aid for junior and senior students over the course of the two-year program. . .

In addition to financial support, the Voyagers will also undertake mind-expanding voyages. For the summer between junior and senior years, the program will allow students to plan their own summer trip to explore new communities and gain work experience in their chosen field, all supported by a $10,000 scholarship and free Airbnb housing.

Travelers will also be invited to the annual summit. At the 2023 Fall Summit, they will meet with President Obama, Brian Chesky and other value-driven leaders to explore a wide range of entrepreneurial approaches to the public good. Throughout the program, they will participate in an ongoing series of talks and fireside talks to learn from and connect with a wide range of leaders from different sectors.

Finally, the benefits will continue after graduation: Voyagers will be connected to the Obama Foundation’s alumni network, allowing them to connect with and learn from alumni around the world, as well as participate in ongoing programs. And Airbnb will provide travelers with an annual travel credit for ten years to ensure they continue to benefit from travel and experiences to create change.

The two-year scholarship is open to students entering their junior year of college in the United States. You must demonstrate financial need, have a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent), and be a US citizen, permanent resident, or DACA recipient. Ideal candidates are high potential students from all walks of life and across the country who want to serve their communities but may not have the same opportunities as others.

Applicants must share a curiosity about the world around them and a desire to study in new places and gain experience. They must show an interest in community development, a desire to help others, and a broad understanding of what is possible through public service.

Applications are accepted until March 22. Apply >


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