Insurance News: How AI is enabling the future workforce

  • Bagikan


The insurance industry continues to cope with an aging workforce and the effects of the Great Retirement. To fill resource gaps, telecom operators are increasingly turning to collaborative robots or cobots to help train and retain young workers.

In this analysis of insurance news, we were pleased to welcome Matt Coughlin, Founder and CEO Xsell technologiestalk about the development of AI and cobots in the insurance industry, as well as the skills and breadth of knowledge management they can provide.

We see this happening in many industries. For example, in the health sector, cobots are used for insurance cases, billing, e-prescriptions, etc., and we see them being increasingly used by insurance companies. Their use cases go far beyond automating routine tasks to truly increase human potential and improve the quality of service for both customers and employees.

New research shows Millennials and Generation Z workers expect much more from their employers, as many see poor performance as a major source of stress. These findings are consistent with what we see all too often in the insurance industry, where young workers are overwhelmed by industry complexity and steep learning curves. This is another area where we see the potential of AI solutions to help young workers answer questions they don’t yet have the skills or experience to answer themselves.

As the future of insurance unfolds, we see that artificial intelligence is a differentiating feature. As AI advances, insurers can use the technology to improve customer relationships through enhanced interactions while improving the efficiency of processes and decisions across core industry functions. claims and underwriting.

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  • Bagikan