Berkeley Alexander kickstarts 2023 apprentice programme   – Mortgage Strategy – English

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Berkeley Alexander has launched an internship program for 2023 as an insurance company says it is preparing a new generation of professionals.

The Lewis-based company, which has 7,000 employees across 100 UK offices, says interns will join all of its existing teams, providing them with on-the-job training and training support to qualify.

He adds that his structured program allows students to learn at their own pace with the ability to accelerate their progress where needed.

Ludvikas Pavlov, who holds a degree in computer science from the University of Brighton, joined the insurance company as an intern under its first recruitment scheme.

He will spend two years in the finance team and then complete the program with two years as a broker, where he will pass the Chartered Insurance Institute exams and other qualifications.

Berkeley Alexander Chairman Jeff Hall says: “Our goal is to help ensure a better future for young people by improving the talent pool of our business.

“The insurance sector has so much to offer graduates and applicants, and attracting local talent is vital to investing in the future success of our industry.”

The company plans to recruit several more students during the year.


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