what to do if you’re convicted – English SiapTV.com

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Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs seriously slows down your judgment, reaction time, and ability to navigate difficult traffic conditions, so it’s important to understand drunk driving limit.

If you are convicted of drunk driving or drug driving offenses, you could face a heavy fine and a driving ban or even jail time, depending on the seriousness of your offense.

And if you’ve been banned from driving, it can be difficult for you to get fair and affordable insurance, which could prevent you from keeping your job and moving on with your life. You must inform your insurance company of any conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or any other conviction for driving that you may receive. Read this blog to find out why you should report your assessments and beliefs to the insurance company.

Read our blog to find out how flaws in your license can affect your insurance.

And read on to find out what you can do if you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

It’s time to think about the use of alcohol and drugs.

First of all, the most important thing to do if you’ve been found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is to take the time to think about your drinking and drug use, to understand the behavior that led to your drinking. driving. vision and how to avoid it. triggers in the future.

It should also be remembered that alcohol and drugs remain in the body for a long time, and if you go too far with them at night, they can still loosen your judgment the next morning.

There are a number of places where you can get support, advice and advice, including NHS, collective voice, Priory AND UK smart recovery. Drunk driving too Forum which provides advice and support to people caught and/or convicted of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

If you have received a driving ban, you can reduce your fine by doing drunken rehab course (GDR) at the suggestion of the courts. This could potentially allow you to cut your driving ban down to a quarter and give you the tools and information you need to drive safely.

drunk driving

Can I take a driving course while drunk or under the influence of drugs to lift the ban?

government recommends using Joint Periodic Training Approval Group study and determine the appropriate DDR course. However, there are a number of DDR courses available for DUIs and DUIs and we have compiled some of them for review below.

  • TTS offers DDR courses at over 220 locations across the UK, with all courses also available online for completion. TTC also has drunk driving calculator this will help determine how much time you can reduce the ban if you successfully complete the DDR course.
  • Commitment to driver development is a non-profit organization that offers the government-approved Aspire DUI course. Accepting a coase can reduce your ban by up to 25%.
  • Moorgate Training Limited offer DVSA-approved drunk driving rehabilitation courses that can reduce your ban by up to 25%. They are also one of the UK’s leading course providers with 10 years of experience.
  • NEKA Training Limited DVSA Approved Alcoholic Driver Rehabilitation Center. They have been successfully offering the Drunk Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) for over 20 years.

Read our blog for some common Drunk driving myths to believe.

Help find insurance after a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

While many insurers use drunk driving and drug charges to justify higher premiums, both convict car insurance specialist, we work with you to help lower your insurance premiums.

For help finding the right insurance after a DUI or DUI conviction, call the Adrian Flux experts on 0800 369 8590 or order a call back at a convenient time for you.


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